DIVIDE the CLANS: Why Francis is Canceling the Latin Mass

DIVIDE the CLANS: Why Francis is Canceling the Latin Mass

Michael Matt

1 year

FULL VIDEO: https://remnant-tv.com/video/867/the-vatican-ukraine-alliance-from-francis-to-george-soros?

In this RTV Spotlight, Michael Matt talks about the urgent need for believers all over the world to come together right now and resist the Godless Globalists to their faces. For years, Michael has been using the mantra “unite the clans” to try to encourage all those who want to follow Christ to get over themselves long enough to unite against the real enemy— Godless Globalists in the halls of government and in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Now it’s becoming obvious that Pope Francis has gotten the message, that he knows the clans are uniting, and that he sees an urgent need to break them all apart, to divide the clans, the cancel the worldwide resistance moment.

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