Excommunication & Schism: How it really works

Excommunication & Schism: How it really works

Michael Matt

3 months

Full video here: https://remnant-tv.com/v/1187?channelName=RemnantTV

In 1988, Michael Davies knew Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger personally, as well as several other prominent canon lawyers. Here he breaks down the tricky business of excommunication as applied at that time to Archbishop Lefebvre, and as was just applied last month to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

But what is "latae sententiae" excommunication, and how does it happen that a person can excommunicate himself? Michael Davies breaks it down, using the exact code of canon law used to pass the sentence.

Also explained: the reality of schism and its consequences. And Canon 844 in the new code of Canon Law has you covered—just wait until you hear what it says!

“The liberals made the new canon law so permissive, for their own benefit, that it’s almost impossible to excommunicate anyone in this new code of canon law!” – Michael Davies

Watch and learn, and sound off in the comments!

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