FULL Bishop Schneider Interview: https://remnant-tv.com/v/1259?channelName=RemnantTV
What do Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton have in common? They all passionately believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. So, what happened?
They used to think abortion should be safe, legal, and rare, too. Again, what happened?
These days, even the so-called “conservatives” on Fox News have embraced everything from contraception to gay “marriage.”
What happened? The Catholic Church surrendered, leaving the world to let politicians determine what is moral and what is not. The result is what Bishop Athanasius Schneider warns is the “rise of a global new paganism.”
In this episode of The Underground, Michael Matt asks Bishop Athanasius Schneider – a survivor of the Soviet gulag – about the lesser of two evils, the long revolution, and surviving the Globalist plot to cancel Christian morality.
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