In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt asks the question: Are the wheels falling off the Covid Cult?
Consider this:
- The Department of Defense lifts masks and does NOT require proof of vaccination
- Target stores, Lowe’s, Walmart, Starbucks all drop masks without requiring proof of vax
- Pope Fauci is mocked on SNL
- Leftist golden boy, Bill Gates, is discredited by everyone, including his wife
That’s what we call a “good start”! Can the good guys actually win this war? Michael argues, yes, they can!
As Team Biden teams up with a hate group to stop hate in America, everyone from Fox News to Rep. Jim Jordan and Senator John Kennedy team up against Team Biden.
More from the Vatican crazy train, Pope Francis meets with pro-abort “Catholic” climate change hysteric, John Kerry.
Question: Is Remnant TV too political? Michael argues that the war against the New World Order is both a political and a spiritual one and, as such, it’s the same war in which traditional Catholics have been engaged for the past 75 years. Are you going to let Fox News personalities fight that war for you? Michael says no, this is OUR war. It’s always been our war. And in the end, we’re going to win it.
Impossible? Watch and see.
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