Michael Matt Interviews Candace Owens & George Farmer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ATz6jOCiI&t=279s
Register for the Chartres Pilgrimage with Remnant Tours (Reg. opens Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024): https://www.chartrespilgrimageusa.com/
Access ALL talks from the CIC 2024: https://videos.catholicidentityconference.org
By way of introducing Candace Owens, Michael Matt discusses the new film, Bonhoeffer, the gloriously restored Notre Dame Cathedral, plans for the Chartres Pilgrimage 2025, and the Catholic Church's anti-Nazi encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge -- 300,000 copies of which were smuggled into Nazi Germany in 1937 and incurred the wrath of the Gestapo.
What's it all about? Watch and see, and then enjoy the Candace Owens conversion story.
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