Full video: https://remnant-tv.com/v/1299?channelName=RemnantTV
Latest from Notre Dame de Paris -- the Crown of Thorns returns in solemn majesty and, it turns out, traditional Catholic Chartres pilgrims played a major role in rebuilding the most iconic cathedral in Europe which also happens to be the start line of the Pilgrimage to Chartres.
Forget the stupid table altar. Ignore the amazing technicolor dream vestment. That's Novus Ordo archdiocesan nonsense. The much bigger picture is the restoration of the cathedral itself. From the traditional materials used to rebuild it, to the craftsmen's careful attention to Medieval detail, to the faith in Our Lady that motivated the lead architect himself -- this was nothing less than a sign from heaven that the Church will rise again from the ashes of Modernism. At Fatima, Our Lady said: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph." Well, for all those who have eyes to see, she just confirmed that promise.
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