HELL in the HOLY LAND: Israel's Bishops Speak Out on Gaza

HELL in the HOLY LAND: Israel's Bishops Speak Out on Gaza

Michael Matt

3 weeks

Even though he is very sick and now hospitalized, Pope Francis finds time to attack Donald Trump and JD Vance over the Trump border policy. Gee, I don’t remember a letter from Francis when Joe 'The Catholic' Biden was promising to make abortion and gay marriage the law of the land…

Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. says that the Trump Administration plans to defund abortion nationally and internationally (I wonder if Francis is going to attack that, too).

Although it is popular to claim that all Palestinians are Muslim terrorists, the reality is on the ground is different. In the middle of all this, two Catholic bishops – one from Jerusalem, the other from the West Bank – have an urgent message for the Trump administration and, indeed, for the whole world.

What's the message? Well, let’s just put it this way: Nothing is as it seems!


And finally, JD Vance visits Dachau, which is where the Nazi’s imprisoned and executed thousands of Catholic priests.  

QUAS PRIMAS: ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XI: https://www.vatican.va/content/pius-xi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xi_enc_11121925_quas-primas.html

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