UNMASKING AMERICA: The New Normal Loses a Round

UNMASKING AMERICA: The New Normal Loses a Round

Michael Matt

3 years

CHECK OUT The Remnant's new series, "The Good Cop Files": https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/5399-to-serve-and-protect-the-truth-about-police-in-america

When the “science” can no longer support the agenda, it’s time to change the science.

Last week the “experts” said we all had to wear our cute lil masks even after being vaccinated. This week they changed their minds, and even Uncle Joe gets to shuffle around mask-less.

What changed?

Michael J. Matt asks the question: What happens if enough Americans wake up before Uncle Joe has time to hand the country over to the Lunatics of Davos?

Also, the real reason they shut down the “non-essential” churches last year? They’re communists and that’s what communists do.

Michael speaks to the vital role Karl Marx’s “opium of the masses” plays in disrupting tyrannical regimes.

Plus, as Fauci becomes a punchline, Bill Gates gets divorced and Klaus Schwab gets really old, Michael points to the widening chinks in the Davos armor. Can they really pull off world domination? Seriously?

And, finally, a look back at the ideas of God, Family and Country that nearly took down the entire New World Order project from 2016 to 2020. Can we do it again?

If you answered no, then watch this video and let it change your mind.

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