THE ONE WORLD RELIGION: Francis and the Abrahamic Family House

THE ONE WORLD RELIGION: Francis and the Abrahamic Family House

Michael Matt

2 years

Question: Does Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate apply to people on welfare, or just to those gainfully employed?

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes a look at the following topics:

  • Men of Poland take to the streets to reclaim what’s been stolen from them.
  • Jordan Pederson is sounding more Catholic than the pope.
  • Novak Djokovic and Aaron Rogers are in big trouble with the Great Reset crowd.
  • Candace Owens warns the world that there’s an urgent need for all of us to learn how to hunt, plant, and raise your own food. Uh-oh, what’s this all about? (Hint: Think Great Reset, baby!)

And, finally, Francis, Abu Dhabi and the Abrahamic Family House – is this the beginning of the One World Religion? 

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