Michael Matt Interviews Archbishop Vigano at CIC

Michael Matt Interviews Archbishop Vigano at CIC

Michael Matt

1 year

Read along with the entire transcript at RemnantNewspaper.com: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/6174-vigano-interview-by-michael-j-matt-for-the-catholic-identity-conference-pittsburgh-october-2-2022

This interview is the first of its kind: Archbishop Viganò interviewed LIVE stateside at the Catholic Identity Conference on October 2nd, 2022!

Michael Matt asks His Excellency some hard-hitting questions, including:

- Do you still offer the New Mass on occasion?

- How do you respond to those who note that Christ was obedient even unto death, and that is what we are all called to do?

- What do you say to your critics who argue that you're dabbling in conspiracy theories, and you should just say your prayers and keep silent?

Watch all talks from the CIC 2022 with a three-month subscription to the CIC Video Library: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/cic-livestream-video-on-demand-registration/subscribe-to/18-cic2022

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