Benedict XVI, RIP: He Restored the Latin Mass

Benedict XVI, RIP: He Restored the Latin Mass

Michael Matt

1 year

In this special edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses the passing of Pope Benedict XVI. For some, he was a saint and, for others, a villain. But what cannot be denied is that his intervention on behalf of the Latin Mass changed history and breathed new life into the Catholic counterrevolution. 

What is his legacy?

·       An entire generation of young Catholics were reconnected to the Mass of our fathers, thanks to Benedict.

·       As Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, he was instrumental in the founding of the Fraternity of Saint Peter.

·       He made it clear that the Latin Mass was never abrogated, and never could be.

·       He lifted the excommunications of the bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X.

·       But in the end he left the Church in the hands of the worst pope in history.

So where does Michael Matt stand on the pontificate of Pope Benedict, and how will history judge the man who restored the Latin Mass on the one hand, and saddled the Church with Francis on the other?

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