THE SACRE COEUR: Heart of the Vendée, Heart of the Traditional Catholic Movement

THE SACRE COEUR: Heart of the Vendée, Heart of the Traditional Catholic Movement

Michael Matt

1 year

This SPOTLIGHT is taken from THIS 2018 Remnant Underground:

• Why does Michael Matt wear the Sacred Heart lapel pin on every episode of The Remnant Underground?
• What is The Remnant's League of the Sacred Heart?
• Why does every French flag on the Chartres Pilgrimage have the image of the Sacred Heart emblazoned on it?

After the 2023 Pilgrimage to Chartres this coming May, Michael Matt will lead a pilgrimage to Paray-le-Monial to renew the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the name of any Americans who care to unite with in spirit. Why Paray-le-Monial?

The Remnant’s League of the Sacred Heart is based on the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, which took place at Paray-le-Monial, France from 1673-1675. Through St. Margaret Mary – a nun of the Order of the Visitation of Our Lady – Our Lord revealed His Sacred Heart to the world, thus opening a new and powerful channel of grace.

Saint Louis de Montfort promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart in France a hundred years before the uprising in the Vendee with such zeal that the Vendeans emblazoned the Sacred Heart on their uniforms and battle flags and fought a war against the Freemasonic French Revolution in the Name of the Sacred Heart. It is for this reason that all of the flags of France on the Chartres pilgrimage are emblazoned with the Sacre Coeur, as it is on our own U.S. flag, as well. (Readers can order The Remnant’s “Sacred Heart” flags here: )

In 1689, Jesus instructed St. Margaret Mary to urge the King of France to consecrate the nation to the Sacred Heart so that he may be "triumphant over all the enemies of Holy Church." Louis XIV, along with his two successors, failed to obey, and 100 years after Alcoque's vision, Louis XVI was stripped of his power in 1789, during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror.

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque died in 1690 and is buried at Paray-le-Monial. One hundred and seventy-four years later, her body was exhumed as part of the beatification process, and her heart was found to be completely intact.

Some of the greatest Catholic counterrevolutionaries since have been fought under the banner of the Sacred Heart. From the Vendeans in France to the Cristeros in Mexico to the Carlists in Spain. And now to the worldwide Traditional Catholic movement.

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