A PANDEMIC of the UNVACCINATED: Are We Still 'Saving Grandma'?

A PANDEMIC of the UNVACCINATED: Are We Still 'Saving Grandma'?

Michael Matt

1 year

FULL VIDEO: https://remnant-tv.com/video/880/woke-pope-woke-disney-woke-beer-woke-world-when-do-we-wake-up-

The SHORT was taken from the latest Remnant Underground, available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs4ra15KMZ0

  • The Science said we needed to get vaccinated to save Grandma!
  • Klaus Schwab said 'nobody will be safe if not everybody is vaccinated'.
  • Bill Gates said we'd need to get boosted ever few months for the rest of our lives.
  • Our spiritual leaders said God needs us to get vaccinated to "protect the ones we love."

So, what happened? Millions are unvaccinated, and Covid will be "with us always", they tell us.  Whatever happened to the "Pandemic of the Unvaccianted'?

In this RTV Short, Michael Matt wonders whatever happened to The Science and why did they stop telling us to trust it?

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