THE NEW NORMAL: New York Cancels Beef, Chicago Cancels God, Boston Promotes Satan

THE NEW NORMAL: New York Cancels Beef, Chicago Cancels God, Boston Promotes Satan

Michael Matt

1 year

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt looks at the Great Reset in real time. It is no longer theoretical when the mayor of New York City partners with the mayor of London to implement one of the WEF’s key initiatives – ban beef to gain control of food to gain control of you.

Mayor Adams is even partnering with AMEX to track what foods New Yorkers purchase, just to make sure they’re not harming the planet.

Mr. Orwell, call your office.

Plus, as crime spikes nationwide it becomes increasingly obvious just how useless Pope Francis’s so-called Church of Accompaniment actually is.  Take Francis Fanboy Cupich, for example: As Chicago collapses into violence and chaos, His Eminence’s solution is threefold:

  1. Cancel the Latin Mass.
  2. Encourage gun buyback programs.
  3. Sanction Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Now that’s guts cardinalling! By the way, now that the wheels are coming off The Science, when do the American bishops apologize for ordering us to become guinea pigs for Pfizer?


On the good news front -- Chartres Pilgrimage organizers anticipate a spectacular turnout in May, a pop singer’s tribute to fatherhood inadvertently exposes the culture vultures’ biggest lie, and Michael lays out his plan for undermining and eventually toppling the WEF Tower of Babel. 


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