HUMANITY: Globalism's Achilles Heel

HUMANITY: Globalism's Achilles Heel

Michael Matt

1 year

Full Video: THE NEW NORMAL: New York Cancels Beef, Chicago Cancels God, Boston Promotes Satan - Remnant TV (

In this RTV SHORT, Michael talks about the Great COVID Backfire. Have you noticed? Dr. Fauci is a laughingstock, nobody's getting vaccinated anymore, pretty much realizes they've been had.  So, asks Michael, when do the politicians, talking heads, and Bishops of the Church of Accompaniment own up to what they did?  

Michael then discusses the one thing for which the Globalunatics have no defense: Human love, human goodness, the human family -- in a word: HUMANITY. They just can't HANDLE humanity! And to drive this point home, Michael shares a viral video of young a pop star singing about her undying love for fatherhood and the traditional family.  Take THAT, Klaus Schwab! 


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