THE RAINBOW HIGHWAY: Vatican Celebrates Human Fraternity in June

THE RAINBOW HIGHWAY: Vatican Celebrates Human Fraternity in June

Michael Matt

1 year

Full Episode “Pride Month & the Vatican’s World Meeting on Human Fraternity”:

After our last Remnant Underground, a number of viewers expressed interest in Michael Matt’s take on the Vatican’s World Meeting of Human Fraternity – an embarrassingly underattended major event that took place on June 10.  Apart from featuring prominent gay dancers, this meeting was geared for what they call the ‘children of the hug” who sang Michael Jackson’s “We Are the World.”  (Michael Jackson songs inside the VATICAN? Really?!)

The event organizers also provided little boxes of Fraternity seeds, which attendees were encouraged to take home and plant because, as one Cardinal put it, “this is how human fraternity grows.”

Yes, they are serious, which is why this may be one of the most cringeworthy Vatican events to date. But because it took place in June and was kicked off with a rousing rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” …. well, Michael smells a rat.

As you might expect by now: there is a direct link from this event to the World Economic Forum.  

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