THE GREAT UPRISING: On Globalism’s Popes, Presidents, and Profiteers

THE GREAT UPRISING: On Globalism’s Popes, Presidents, and Profiteers

Michael Matt

1 year


Covid is finally over. In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses VC Day -- victory over Covid – as Young Globalist Leaders fall and even reliably liberal SNL legends mercilessly mock Tony Fauci.

Plus, while Joe Biden sinks billions into defending democracy in Ukraine, Comrade Zelensky cancels the 2024 presidential election. Well, so much for that unholy Crusade!

Jimmy Martin nails it, says Pope Francis has developed his own doctrine in contradiction to the Church’s infallible teachings on homosexual acts.

As the world braces for the next lockdown – and cities of the world descend into debauchery that rivals that of Sodom – why does the world’s most recognized moral authority remain silent?

Michael argues that the Public Enemy Number 1 is not the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, nor the twerking naked guy in Minneapolis, and not even Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab. That singular distinction belongs to the insufferable Pope Francis, and here’s why…


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THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

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