INSIDE the VATICAN: Pope Francis, Bill Clinton & Alex Soros

INSIDE the VATICAN: Pope Francis, Bill Clinton & Alex Soros

Michael Matt

1 year

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“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” – that is what the LGBT folks are shouting in the streets of America. But when a woman in Minnesota tried to defend the children, they called her the hater.

Thirty years ago, Andres Serrano became infamous for photographing a crucifix in a jar of urine, but Pope Francis just invited him to the Vatican. The neo-Catholic useful idiots insist that Francis is just calling for “dialogue.”  What do you think?

One week later, Pope Francis held unannounced meetings with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Alexander Soros in the Casa Santa Marta.  So now what are the Globalist elites up to?

Meanwhile, Pope Francis appoints a theological weirdo as the Vatican’s top “watchdog of orthodoxy”. Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, author of “Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing,” is in the house.

Our Bellarmine Moment has arrived. The Vatican has officially allied itself with global elites who are trying to take over the world and uncrown Christ the King. Cardinal Gerhard Müller is right – it is a hostile takeover of the Catholic Church, and we must resist!


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