THE FORGOTTEN GENOCIDE: 500,000 Traditional Catholics Slaughtered in the Name of Liberty

THE FORGOTTEN GENOCIDE: 500,000 Traditional Catholics Slaughtered in the Name of Liberty

Michael Matt

1 year

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Michael Matt, on the road in Cajun country, discusses the slaughter of 500,000 pioneer traditional Catholics a couple hundred years ago in the Vendee. Never heard of it? Not surprising! Before Michael Matt and the late Michael Davies led a pilgrimage to the Vendee in 1995 -- an event that led to the publication of the book, "For Altar and Throne: The Rising in the Vendee" -- very few Americans had ever even heard of the Vendee.  And what's worse, most French didn't know anything about it, either, since this massive civil war was not taught in French schools. It still isn't, in fact, because it puts the lie to the fake news story that the Enlightenment was all about liberty. Not so!  The first act of the Enlightenment in France was a genocidal extermination of half a million French Catholics.

This video was shot in Louisiana, where a number of descendants of French Catholics have founded a new organization that is devoted to telling the truth about what happened in the Vendee and, at the same time, committed to living out the Catholic Faith exactly as it was lived in the Vendee.

So is the War in the Vendee actually over?  Has the last chapter been written yet? Was the sacrifice of so many original Traditional Catholics in vain, or by their deaths did the heroes of the Vendee actually snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? Napoleon said the Vendeans—the "little giants"—actually won, and his reason for saying that may surprise you. Hint: It's all about the "rigid" Faith that Pope Francis is trying to cancel. Michael explains . . .

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