SOLDIERS of CHRIST: Diocesan Priest Unites the Clans

SOLDIERS of CHRIST: Diocesan Priest Unites the Clans

Michael Matt

1 year

Note from Michael J. Matt: I am sometimes surprised by the handful of critics who seem to be working against the idea of uniting the clans, as though it presents some sort of threat to them personally. Why should this be?

Unite the Clans is nothing more than a call to do what every fighting force has always done after having suffered an initial loss on the battlefield -- they look for the scattered remnants of their army, reunite with them, and resist the occupying force behind the enemy lines.

In the following sermon, a diocesan priest explains how he personally unites the clans on a regular basis, in this case even with priests and a bishop of the SSPX.  (See minute 9:09).

This magnificent sermon, therefore, serves as yet another reminder of how "uniting the clans" is not some pipedream that may happen sometime in the distant future but, rather, as something that is already happening all over the world. Deo Gratias! 

Keep the Faith, unite the clans, and long live Christ the King. -MJM

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