MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Public Mass Restored to Minnesota

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Public Mass Restored to Minnesota

Michael Matt

4 years

With gratitude to the Bishops of Minnesota, Father John Echert--The Parking Lot Priest--celebrated the first major public Mass inside of his church since the pandemic lockdown was initiated.

We're presenting this short video by way of encouragement to Catholics nationwide not to give up but to continue to pressure the bishops all across the country to do the right thing and comply with President Trump's adamant call for the churches to open up right now.

"America needs more prayer right now," said Trump, "not less."

With the present unrest escalating in cities all across America--and when even radical liberals such as Governor Gretchen Whitmer are lifting their lockdown and opening bars and restaurants--it is simply unconscionable for any bishop anywhere in America to continue to forbid the faithful to attend Mass and in large numbers. 

Until the Mass and Sacraments are restored, there must not be one one more penny given to diocese where the faithful are restricted to ten or less.

Please note: Comments are shared with the same video on Remnant Newspaper. Click here to view on Remnant Newspaper
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