THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump

THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump

Michael Matt

4 years

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written an Open Letter to Donald Trump. Arguing that the two men fight for the same cause, albeit with different weapons, Archbishop Viganò explains the Christian understanding of the spiritual battle between the children of darkness and the children of light. He insists that even as there is a Deep State, there is also a Deep Church in which bishops have joined forces with the other side and are helping the globalists drive God out of our society, out of our streets, even out of our churches.

What is the connection between Covid lockdown and the present riots and looting in the streets of America? The Archbishop explains exactly what it is, and then he calls on the President and all Americans to pray to Almighty God right now against the "invisible enemy of all humanity."

Keeping in mind that the Archbishop was until 2016 the third most powerful prelate in the Church, it behooves us all to listen to his words and to pray they have the desired effect. He know of what he speaks. In fact, he knows too much...which is why he is still in hiding.

This may well be the last stand. God help us all, and let us pray indeed for our children, for our president, and for our beloved country under siege.

Read the full text of Viganò's Open Letter on the Remnant's website.

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