POPE ATTACKS CATHOLIC PRIESTS (Who's Next, the Amish? Swiss Guards?)

POPE ATTACKS CATHOLIC PRIESTS (Who's Next, the Amish? Swiss Guards?)

Michael Matt

3 weeks

Full video: 

In his new autobiography, “Hope,” Francis accuses traditional Catholics of “rigorism” and a culture of “backwardism” wherein young traditional priests “dress up” in “elegant and costly tailoring, lace, fancy trimmings, rochets” to “conceal a mental imbalance, emotional deviation, behavioral difficulties, and a personal problem. . .”

Can you imagine the Dalai Lama launching these obnoxious public attacks on the sanity of his own Tibetan monks, calling them “backward and rigid,” publicly dressing them down for how they dress? The idea is preposterous! And yet when it comes to Francis it’s par for the course, his anger management issues having become part and parcel of who and what the man is.

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