HISTORY'S VERDICT: After 60 Years, Vatican II Was a Disaster

HISTORY'S VERDICT: After 60 Years, Vatican II Was a Disaster

Michael Matt

6 hours

Is the Catholic Church better off today than it was in 1965?

This is an excerpt from the RTV 2023 Underground -- Vatican II 60 Years Later.  See full video here: https://remnant-tv.com/v/1176?channelName=RemnantTV 

Back in 2023, Pope Benedict XVI admitted that the Second Vatican Council had been co-opted and made into what he called the "Council of the Media," which led to "so many calamities, seminaries closed, convents closed, and the liturgy was banalized." 

So, what really happened and why must every Catholic on earth remain forever loyal and true to Vatican II? And, for that matter, WHICH Vatican II -- the real one, or Benedict's "Council of the Media" which is the only one the world ever got to see (according to Benedict).

On this 60th Anniversary of the close of Vatican II, let’s finally get real about Vatican II . . .

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