CANCELLING AMERICA: Can the Constitution Survive Vaccination Passports? (The Michael J. Matt Show)

CANCELLING AMERICA: Can the Constitution Survive Vaccination Passports? (The Michael J. Matt Show)

[email protected]

3 years

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Michael Matt has a very important question for you: If you could be shown that a particular COVID vaccine was perfectly safe and did not use aborted fetal tissue, would you be in favor of the government making it mandatory?

In this episode of the Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses strategy with a particular emphasis on building the largest possible coalition of resistance. He points out that, contrary to what CNN claims, some of the strongest opposition to vaccination passports comes from those who are not actually anti-vax– e.g., Gov. Ron DeSantis, Senator Rand Paul, Tucker Carlson—but who nevertheless recognize this as an unprecedented attack on U.S. sovereignty.

What’s really behind the vax pass, other than a Globalist attack on the Constitution of the United States of America? Since the vast majority of Americans oppose mandatory vaccines and certainly a globally-enforced vaccination passport, an opportunity presents itself for a massive coalition of resistance.

Finally, Michael argues in favor of the power of patriotism to undermine and defeat a Globalist cabal that has no respect for God, family or country, and thus has no future.

By the way, don’t miss hilarious footage of your President jogging around the White House Lawn… for no apparent reason.

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