RESISTENCE IS NOT FUTILE: Cancelling The Great Reset (General) (The Michael J. Matt Show) (The Michael J. Matt Show)

RESISTENCE IS NOT FUTILE: Cancelling The Great Reset (General) (The Michael J. Matt Show) (The Michael J. Matt Show)

Michael Matt

3 years

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In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt looks down the road a bit and asks the question: What if the Great Reset fails to materialize before it starts threatening the midterm reelection chances of Democrat politicians? 

It’s not just Joe Biden’s auto-demolition, which Michael Matt predicted would happen back in August of 2020. It’s HOW he’s collapsing, and WHEN. It’s too soon for lower level Democrat politicians (who are not in the Davos loop), guys such as Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who just abandoned vaccine/mask mandates in favor of a new slogan: “We’ve gone from pandemic to end-demic.”

Why? Because he’s up for re-election in 2022 and voters don't give a rip about the Great Reset.

And this is happening all around the world:

  • In the streets of Paris last week, 200,000 demonstrated against Macron’s so-called “Health Pass”.
  • The situation in Israel is proving that vaccines just don’t work as we were told they do.
  • Justin Trudeau is in big trouble up in Canada as he’s having to cancel rallies due to massive protests of his vaccine passport, and this just weeks before the Canadian election.

Pope Francis and Cardinal Cupich called for forced vaccinations just before the BBC, Reuters and Bloomberg begin reporting the cold, hard truth – that way too many people are getting injured and even dying from the vaccines.

In this episode, Michael argues that the counterrevolution that’s coming – in the State and in the Church – will be the stuff they make movies about. People are sick and tired of the stupid. They're not goin to get vaxxed, Bill DeBlassio, just so they can go see Cardi B and Maroon 5 again...or to go watch NFL gladiators take a knee at that billion-dollar, taxpayer-funded football stadium next Sunday.

If they’re going to force us to take the jab to get back to THAT, Michael says: Thanks, but no thanks!

By the way, Remnant TV is both getting kicked off YouTube and moving to a brand-new new studio.  How's that going to work? Big Tech is censoring us, yes, but why are we relying on Big Tech in the first place? 

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