FIGHTING FIRE with FIRE: Roe Overturned on the Feast of the Sacred Heart

FIGHTING FIRE with FIRE: Roe Overturned on the Feast of the Sacred Heart

Michael Matt

2 years

The Original Parking Lot Priest contrasts the joy of pro-lifers and the rage of the Left on the day Roe was overturned.

This wonderful day was also the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a Feast commemorating the fire of God’s Love. Contrast this with the fire of rage which fuels hatred on the Left.  

This hatred and contempt comes right out of hell. This is Satan’s rage.

We can choose one Fire or the other, because in the end we will be consumed by one of them for all Eternity:  The Fire of God’s love which consumes us with its eternal joy and reward, or the fire of hell, which will cause us to burn and die forever in our own hatred and damnation.

One builds, sustains, and protects; the other burns down cities and turns men into monsters.

The choice is yours.


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