I FULLY SUPPORT YOU: Bishop Stands with Latin Mass Community

I FULLY SUPPORT YOU: Bishop Stands with Latin Mass Community

Michael Matt

1 year

If it’s true that it’s “the Mass that matters,” then obviously the more Traditional Latin Masses in the world today the better for everyone – Catholic or not. 

The Bishop of Duluth, Minnesota, has set an important precedent for every bishop in the world. He’s not a traditionalist but, the wake of Traditionis Custodes, he’s gone to bat for his traditional Catholic community.

In this Special Edition of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt speaks to those who are not necessarily traditional Catholics or who are new to the Latin Mass. To quote Michael: “I hope the viewer will understand what we’re trying to do here. This is not about the SSPX, the FSSP, or my personal opinion of the liturgical revolution. It’s a bit outside of that box, which is why I encourage you to share it with your family, friends, diocesan priests and bishops.”

Michael also provides a short “refresher course” on the Tridentine Mass itself – the Mass of history, important parts of which date back to when Jesus Christ and His Apostles walked the earth. 

This Mass was celebrated on the tombs of the martyrs in the Roman catacombs. It is thus part of the liturgical patrimony and birthright – not just of traditionalists – but of every Christian in the world today. 

At the very least, it should be regarded as an invaluable treasure of Christian antiquity. It has been called the “most beautiful thing this side of heaven”, and it is the Mass of every virgin, martyr, crusader, pope, and Christian man and woman in history (in the Latin Rite).

It is the Mass St. Maximillian Kolbe offered before being murdered by the Nazis. Father Walter Ciszek offered this Mass in his Soviet prison cell. Cardinal Mindszenty offered this Mass the morning he was arrested.  It is Padre Pio’s Mass. The Mass of Don Bosco. The only Mass Joan of Arc ever knew. The Mass King Louis IX and King John III Sobieski heard just before going off on Crusade.

It is the Mass about which Pope Benedict XVI said: “What earlier generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too and cannot be forbidden or even considered harmful.”

So why, asks Michael, is Pope Francis trying to forbid it? 

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