FULL VIDEO: https://remnant-tv.com/video/855/the-ukrainian-false-flag-get-us-out-now-?
In this RTV SPOTLIGHT, Michael J. Matt takes a quick trip back to Iraq, with the insufferable Lindsey Graham as tour guide. Twenty years later, what did our country gain from Mr. Graham’s war? More to the point, what did Iraq gain, apart from a million dead and a totally destabilized homeland? Then it was Afghanistan that the neocons had to "liberate," then Syria, and now…Ukraine. And old Lucky Lindsey has been beating the war drum for all these wars. Now he says Biden needs to send the F16s and declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. That’ll end well – probably about as well as the Afghanistan tilt ended. Next up? World War III. Everybody good with that? Are you willing to sacrifice your sons (and daughters) to help Klaus Schwab and Joey 'the Catholic' Biden "reset" Europe?
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2 years