Franciscan U Latin Mass Canceled, Delaware Criminalizes Confession, Canadian Catholic Arrested

Franciscan U Latin Mass Canceled, Delaware Criminalizes Confession, Canadian Catholic Arrested

Michael Matt

1 year

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses the rise of anti-Catholic persecution:

  • Even though his diocese is in total collapse the Bishop of Steubenville cancels the Latin Mass at Franciscan University.
  • A new law in Delaware would criminalize the seal of confession.
  • A Catholic high school student gets arrested for defending Catholic moral theology on campus.
  • Even though Zelensky is turning Ukraine into a Davos-styled surveillance state, most of the Catholic bishops still support Joe Biden's efforts to escalate war against Russia.
  • Faithful Catholics prepare to go back to the Mass rocks as the Pope of Mercy tells them all to go hell.

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