THE FBI’s OBSESSION: Latin Mass Catholics & the Conspiracy that Canceled Benedict

THE FBI’s OBSESSION: Latin Mass Catholics & the Conspiracy that Canceled Benedict

Michael Matt

1 year

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In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael explains why the FBI is so obsessed with the Latin Mass movement. Far from fading into obscurity, the Traditional Catholic movement is the talk of the most powerful people on earth, even making its way to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives this week.

Here’s why the Latin Mass communities pose a threat to the New World Order.  But first, Michael introduces his new granddaughter, Evelyn Pia Marie Matt. 

Next up, Tucker Carlson ends Mike Pence’s presidential aspirations with one devastating question.

And finally, Pope Francis honors the most heterodox Catholic church in the nation by selecting it to play a key role in the Synod on Synodality. The truth about World Youth Day is so disturbing that even Bishop Robert Barron is speaking out against what Cardinal Gerhard Müller calls a “hostile takeover of the Catholic Church.”

Remnant TV Video on Synod:

Source Videos:
Demographic Winter:

Complicit Clergy Synod Video:


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