CANCELLING CHRIST: From the Vatican to the Holy Land

CANCELLING CHRIST: From the Vatican to the Holy Land

Michael Matt

8 months

Playlist of Michael Matt's Synod coverage from Rome here: In this episode of The Remnant Underground, host Michael J. Matt comments on various aspects of a new Reign of Terror – from Francis removing Bishop Strickland, to massive victories for pro-abort Americans, to war crimes in the Holy Land. But, there’s good news, too – the WEF co-founder calls for the arrest of Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk unloads on Covid “cures,” one of the WEF Global Leaders of the Tomorrow apologies for supporting lockdowns, the UN Sec Gen Tony Guterres sounds the alarm that the UN Sustainable Development Goals are on life support. Plus, high-profile cardinals and bishops in Rome engage in massive pushback against Francis, the Synod on Synodality, and the Vatican/Davos alliance. This thing ain’t over, friends. God will not be mocked. Keep RTV going, DONATE today: Remnant MERCH Shop: Sign up for Michael Matt's Weekly E-Letter: Follow Michael Matt on Twitter: Subscribe to The Remnant Newspaper, print and/or digital versions available: Listen to Michael Matt's podcasts: SPOTIFY: APPLE:

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