Bishop Schneider on Crisis, Disobedience, & the SSPX | A Michael Matt Interview

Bishop Schneider on Crisis, Disobedience, & the SSPX | A Michael Matt Interview

Michael Matt

1 year

Full video here: 

LOYAL OPPOSITION: Michael Matt Interviews Bishop Schneider

During the Catholic Identity Conference 2022, Michael Matt interviewed His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider. During the course of that conversation, Michael asked Bishop Schneider about resistance to the TLM-crushing of Pope Francis. The Bishop’s answer, marked by profound charity, provides thoroughly Catholic guidance for priests and laymen who wish to remain in the Church and yet resist the Revolution.

The section on loyal opposition and even disobedience to the Vatican is extremely beneficial in the wake of Traditionis Custodes. And the Society of St. Pius X? Again, the Bishop’s answer is marked by charity and keen sense of history, as well as a paternal awareness of the plight of faithful Catholics who are living through the greatest crisis the Church has ever endured.

Here, then, is the voice of a good shepherd...

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